Kentucky GOP Treasurer Threatens 11 Banks With Divestment For Boycotting Fossil Fuels

Kentucky GOP Treasurer Threatens 11 Banks With Divestment For Boycotting Fossil Fuels BY: TRISTAN JUSTICEĀ for The Federalist

GNN Note – Nothing gets a bankers attention quicker than telling them you are going to take the money out of your account held in their bank. / END

Kentucky Republican State Treasurer Allison Ball put nearly a dozen financial firms on notice that they may be subject to divestment for boycotting fossil fuels.

On Tuesday, Ball named 11 financial institutions that will have to choose between managing taxpayer assets well or their continued animosity toward American energy.

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ā€œWhen companies boycott fossil fuels, they intentionally choke off the lifeblood of capital to Kentuckyā€™s signature industries,ā€ Ball said in a press release. ā€œTraditional energy sources fuel our Kentucky economy, provide much needed jobs, and warm our homes. Kentucky must not allow our signature industries to be irreparably damaged based upon the ideological whims of a select few.ā€

According to the treasurerā€™s office, the energy sector is responsible for nearly 8 percent of state employment. The U.S. Energy Department reported last summer that more than 70 percent of the stateā€™s electricity came from coal in 2021, giving Kentucky residents the 12th-lowest prices in the nation.

Ball gave state agencies 30 days to report any direct or indirect holdings in firms identified as refusing investment in fossil fuels. Firms listed include Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and BlackRock, among others.

In December, West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore called on BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to resign over the firmā€™s championing of anti-energy environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards to the detriment of shareholders. The colossal Wall Street firm ended last year with roughly $8 trillion in assets after it began 2022 with a record $10 trillion.

ā€œDoes that sound like a guy whoā€™s doing something right?ā€ Moore asked in an exclusive interview with The Federalist. ā€œIf anything, itā€™s a cautionary tale to focus on the maximization of your return for your beneficiaries and your shareholders.ā€

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